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Thursday, February 17, 2011

World cup opening LIVE update - II

[Comment From Sriram ]
if the speeches are back, then Ravi Shastri might add 'The last thing they need at this stage is a speech'.
Nitin Sundar:
The Indian performance is over and the Sri Lankans have taken over. We have three singers - Bathiya, Santush and Iraj rendering a peppy number. They are wearing glitzy jackets and goggles. Not even a shade on the absurd attire Sonu Nigam wore.
Nitin Sundar:

The song began in Sinhalese, and now there's some English rapping. Very lively rhythm, sounds a lot like the songs from South India.

Nitin Sundar:
Next up, the Sri Lankan dance. Sound of waves, and a flute as dancers assemble with sheets of clothes waved in the blue light. And a boat rides the waves. What's more, we have Russell Arnold in the commentary box.
Nitin Sundar:
An oyster shell opens in the middle of the stage. Wilkins shatters the suspense before it opens saying there is going to be a princess inside. I was expecting a pearl. Oh well. Russell Arnold says she represents the Pearl of the Indian Ocean.
[Comment From Murari ]
But no one describes anything Sri Lankan better than Tony Greig.
Nitin Sundar:
No one describes anything better than Tony Greig. He once spoke for two whole minutes about the material used to make the ropes on the boundary. They were trialing a new material with some elastic properties, in 2001, in South Africa. And Greig was waxing lyrical.
[Comment From Sidharth ]
Tony would have said. "They are dancing in the aisles these Bangladeshis!"
Nitin Sundar:
Some mythological scenes are being enacted on the stage. Folk beats and dancers with crowns.
[Comment From Kiran ]
Why is the opening ceremony happening today instead of just before the start of fist match?
Nitin Sundar:
Well, Kiran, good thing they began the speeches today, the ceremony will end before the first match on the 19th.
Nitin Sundar:
Got to hand it to the broadcasters. No ad breaks when the politicians were speaking. Several now when these dancers are putting up a show for which they have probably rehearsed for months on end.
[Comment From Reyaz ]
Hey i'm from canada. I would like to know what time the ceremony begins?
Nitin Sundar:
Reyaz, I suggest you go back in time. It began around 50 minutes back.
Nitin Sundar:

Back from the ad break. Bangladesh's cultural show begins with Sabina Yasmin, draped in saree, singing a Bangla song. Ah, the crowd love it, they are actually dancing in the aisles. Where is Tony Greig when you need him!

[Comment From Deemun ]
What exactly are the captains doing at the moment ? - I can't imagine Vettori dancing to Bangla pop
Nitin Sundar:

I am imagining what the captains might be up to. I am sure they have all done a round of handshakes. With everyone other than Ponting, that is. No one wants to shake a habitually spat-upon hand. Vettori must be fogging and wiping his glasses. Dhoni must be practicing the helicopter shot. Smith must be trying not to choke on all the emotion.

Nitin Sundar:

Another woman dressed in a bright saree renders a song, and Mohammad Ashraful, sitting outside the stage sings along. The famous Runa Laila croons away now. She's in a black saree and has a very 80s-style hairdo.

Nitin Sundar:

"Duma Dum Mast Kalandar" is the song Runa Laila is singing - very famous in Bangladesh and India.

Nitin Sundar:

The side lights go off, the stage is illuminated in gold for a rendition of "Amar Sonar Bangla..." Begins with a man playing a flute, as the drums gather the tempo. Very gentle riffs. Ah, now men run into the stage like boatmen, with imitation boats around their waists, and oars.

Nitin Sundar:
A folksy Manipuri dance is on now. Manipur is of course in India, but clearly has an influence on Bangladesh as well.
[Comment From Lorenzo ]
I cant get the full effect .. sing for us Nitin?
Nitin Sundar:

You'll regret asking for it, Lorenzo!

[Comment From Nishath ]
Normal service resumes with respect to opening ceremonies. They just lull you into sleep.
Nitin Sundar:
Ramesh Srivats, a prominent twitter commentator, wonders why any representation of culture has to be ancient and rural. It is a fair question, especially in the subcontinent. Will culture change in the next 200 years? Or will the opening ceremony of World Cup 2211 have these same dances and songs? Make no mistake, it is all very good to watch. But begs the question, does culture remain static.
Nitin Sundar:
Several people asking if Sreesanth is performing. Answer is no. Neither is Brett Lee. Nor AB de Villiers. Pity.
Nitin Sundar:
Interesting question from Smith. He asks if Lalit Modi is there. Unless he's hiding in the crowd, I guess not.
[Comment From Srinath ]
Hmmmm...Didnt know they had 3D projections on adjoining buildings 200 years ago! Or a cricket world cup for that matter!
Nitin Sundar:
That wasn't my point Srinath. The 3d projection was a tool used for display. It wasn't a part of the cultural show, but a mere aid. Anyways.. Now we have laser lights. Laser made its subcontinent debut in the 1996 World Cup opening ceremony, in spectacularly ordinary fashion. Various elements of the Bangladesh identity, such as the language and the national flower - the water lily - are being depicted.
Nitin Sundar:
Pictures from earlier today - Stumpy making an appearance on a cycle rickshaw:
Nitin Sundar:
And MS Dhoni wearing that trademark smile of his as he's being transported onto the stage
Nitin Sundar:
As a closing thought on the culture discussion - the Indian segment did include songs from Bollywood and other movie industries of the country. Which I guess is the modern representation of the country's culture.
[Comment From umesh ]
Bryan Adams is singing backstage... "Please Forgive Me"
[Comment From Sidharth ]
Feel for the guy who was driving stumpy.. Looks like he was really made to work hard there..
Nitin Sundar:
Can't be easy to pedal an elephant around. Even if it's a make-believe pachyderm. Some more pics - here is Graeme Smith getting a lift.
[Comment From Richard ]
We have another cultural thing going on. Commerical. Bangladesh Tourism. No respite
Nitin Sundar:
Alright. The moment has arrived. Bryan Adams, in a black shirt, hair slicked back and a guitar slung around the shoulder. Lip-syncs "Summer of '69 ...". Hmm. Wonder if these are the best days of his life.
Nitin Sundar:
Ramesh Srivats is on fire on Twitter. He says, "I really hope Bryan Adams sings "18 till I die" and the camera quickly cuts to Afridi." Hahahaha!
Nitin Sundar:
Ok, I take that back. Adams, unlike some of the previous singers, isn't lip-syncing. He's singing live.
Nitin Sundar:

"Lets make it a night to remember" now from Bryan Adams. All those lovely speeches made it a night to remember, long before Adams took the stage, but well ..

Nitin Sundar:

All I can say is, this is better than listening to Akon and watching Shah Rukh Khan 'dancing' during the IPL.

Nitin Sundar:
Little known facts about Bryan Adams - his middle name is 'Guy'. He is also a reasonably renowned photographer. Ricky Ponting sings along with him now.
Nitin Sundar:

Ah here it is - "18 till I die..." Where is Afridi I say!

[Comment From Sri ]
I guess you have mistaken Nitin .Ricky would be chewing something in his mouth.

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